Archives for Macro - Page 12

Interesting Links out of the Mainstream

Today the mainstream commentariat is little more that the mouthpiece of the ruling elite. There is no finer example than the immediate blaming of Vladimir Putin last month for the downing of MH17, without a shred of evidence. You will see below that now even US analysts agree it was…

Most Popular Posts for 2014 – So Far

Following are links to the five most popular posts, along with a brief explanation as to why they may be popular. Reader feedback would be invaluable, if you have the time. My posts are approximately weekly, use our RSS feed for new post alerts. The site was hacked in early…

An Excellent Graphic on US Debt – This Won’t End Well

This graphic shows the gigantic size of US debt, compared with revenue. Another disturbing trend is the large and persistent deficits of recent years. What is not shown is the future debt of unfunded government programs, such as Obamacare (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act). These programs are estimated…

Energy Return on Energy Invested: Some Concerning Charts

The following images clearly show the problems that are developing with the ever increasing cost of energy discovery and production. Most commentators agree that an overall EROEI (Energy Return on Energy Invested) of 10 to 12 is required to support modern economies. That is about where we are now. Source:…

The Petrodollar: All Good Things Come to an End

President Richard Nixon introduced the petrodollar in 1974 to allow continuation of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. A brilliant economic strategy. Read more here. Since I last wrote about the petrodollar in February this year, America has managed to alienate both Russia and China. The first with the…

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