Archives for Markets - Page 6

Investors’ Behavioral Biases: Part V – Herding

Humans are hard-wired to belong to a group, typically one with shared cultural and/or socioeconomic attributes. Most people are social and have a natural desire to be accepted by the group, and therefore adopt the group’s customs and behaviors. An individual may behave quite differently when away from the group.…

More Australian Bubble Trouble

Last week I quoted Jonathan Tepper of Valiant Perceptions. He expects to see a price decline of 30% to 50% in Australian housing. Well didn’t he get hammered. The vested interests were out for blood, and that continued over the weekend. One of Jonathan’s observations was questionable practices by mortgage…

The Delusional Australian Housing Bubble

A visit to Sydney by Jonathan Tepper, of Variant Perceptions, has caused much wailing and gnashing of teeth amongst vested interests in the real estate market. He considers that Australian housing is in a massive bubble and  he expects to see a price decline of 30% to 50%. Along with…

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