Archives for Macro - Page 2

Inflation or Deflation Ahead?

When the money printing and handouts commenced with the Covid-19 lockdown, there were immediate fears of inflation or even hyperinflation. The thought was that with so much more money chasing the same goods, prices would inevitably rise. While some items, such as some food, did show minor rises, in the…

Electric Pollution

Electric vehicles (“EV’s”) are commonly thought of as low/zero emission saviours of the planet. They are not. China has the world’s largest EV market, and some of the dirtiest coal-fired power plants. In effect, EV’s in China are much more polluting than petrol- and diesel-powered vehicles. In fact, it is…

History of World Reserve Currencies

There is much speculation today as to when the USD will cease to be the world’s reserve currency. Of course, the US itself is hastening its currency replacement through various sanctions and trade wars. So, the end is nigh. The excellent chart below (source: The Burning Platform) suggest that the…

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