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Net Smelter Return

Net smelter return (” NSR”) is a measure of net income for a tonne of metal concentrate. It is net of all costs such as concentrate treatment charges and penalties, refinery charges, freight costs, insurance, and marketing. It is also occasionally applied to gold doré, which is an impure form…

ASX Rare Earth Stocks – Part II

This is a brief update on ASX rare earth stocks. Read an overview of rare earths here and a brief summary of 8 ASX REE stocks here. This update covers 4 more advanced ASX REE stocks. Company ASX Code Share Price (c) Shares on Issue (M) Market Cap (M) Project…

ASX Vanadium Stocks

Vanadium is typically traded as ferrovanadium (FeV)or vanadium pentoxide (V2O5). It is estimated that around 73,000 metric tonnes of vanadium was mined in 2019, with China, Russia and South Africa being the largest producers. Vanadium occurs in a variety of settings: phosphate rock, titaniferous magnetite, uriniferous sandstone, bauxite, coal, oil…

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