The following details are for Australia’s top ten ASX-listed gold companies. Of most interest is the dramatic difference in P/E between the top four and the next five. Note that GOR has only just become profitable and results are only for the first half.  A stronger second half will see a lower P/E.

High P/E’s generally reflect stronger future growth and while the top four do have reasonable project pipelines they nonetheless appear expensive. However, much more research is required to form a reliable conclusion. I shall report further in the days ahead.


Newcrest Mining Ltd – ASX: NCM

Price (c) 52 Week Low 52 Week High Shares (M) MCAP (M) Net Profit (M) EPS ($) P/E
3071 2070 3815 817 25,068 750 0.92 33


Northern Star Resources Ltd – ASX: NST

Price (c) 52 Week Low 52 Week High Shares (M) MCAP (M) Net Profit (M) EPS ($) P/E
1571 885 1680 741 11,640 258 0.34 46


Evolution Mining Ltd – ASX: EVN

Price (c) 52 Week Low 52 Week High Shares (M) MCAP (M) Net Profit (M) EPS ($) P/E
561 328 658 1709 9,585 301 0.17 33



Saracen Mineral Holdings Ltd – ASX: SAR

Price (c) 52 Week Low 52 Week High Shares (M) MCAP (M) Net Profit (M) EPS ($) P/E
587 282 675 1107 6,501 189 0.17 35



The Superpit in Kalgoorlie operated by NST and SAR –  Couldn’t get much closer to the town


Regis Resources Ltd – ASX: RRL

Price (c) 52 Week Low 52 Week High Shares (M) MCAP (M) Net Profit (M) EPS ($) P/E
453 290 618 511 2,317 200 0.39 12


St Barbara Ltd – ASSX: SBM

Price (c) 52 Week Low 52 Week High Shares (M) MCAP (M) Net Profit (M) EPS ($) P/E
278 161 398 705 1,960 128 0.18 15


Silver Lake Resources Ltd – ASX: SLR

Price (c) 52 Week Low 52 Week High Shares (M) MCAP (M) Net Profit (M) EPS ($) P/E
223 96 275 881 2,000 256 0.29 8


Ramelius Resources Ltd – ASX: RMS

Price (c) 52 Week Low 52 Week High Shares (M) MCAP (M) Net Profit (M) EPS ($) P/E
199 76 253 808 1,662 113 0.13 15


Perseus Mining Ltsd – ASX: PRU

Price (c) 52 Week Low 52 Week High Shares (M) MCAP (M) Net Profit (M) EPS ($) P/E
125 63 166 1,226 1,617 94 0.07 18


Gold Road Resources Ltd – ASX: GOR

Price (c) 52 Week Low 52 Week High Shares (M) MCAP (M) Net Profit (M) ½*2 EPS ($) P/E
141 80 202 880 1,240 46 0.05 28