Archives for October, 2017
Zircon Zircon (zirconium silicate – ZrSiO4) almost always has Zr replaced by rare earth elements. Hafnium is most common, often present in significant quantities, up to 5%. Uranium, thorium and yttrium also occur in the zircon lattice. When uranium and thorium are included in the lattice at the time of…
Rutile has a theoretical TiO2 content of 100%, however impurities such as iron typically reduce this to 93-97%. TiO2 can also exist as anatase, which has a different crystal structure to rutile. Anatase is primarily used in paper rather than paints and plastics. Anatase is able to convert light into an electrical…
Ilmenite (FeTiO3, Mn or Mg may substitute for Fe) is the main mineral mined for titanium. In its purer form it contains 55-65% titanium dioxide. It is often lower grade than this, due to impurities. Impurities in ilmenite occur in two forms; grains, such as monazite, within the mineral lattice;…
Part I was an introduction to conglomerate-hosted gold in the Pilbara, which included a brief comment on Novo Resources, by far the biggest player in the space. Part II is a brief commentary on some ASX listed companies with conglomerate gold interests in the Pilbara. The companies range from those…
A gold rush is underway in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Prospectors and companies have been finding gold nuggets within conglomerates at the base of the Fortescue Basin. The basin is 2629M to 2775M years old and the basal part, at least, is thought by some to be analogous…