Archives for September, 2016
It has been a widely accepted “truism” that more choice is better than less. While that may have been true when two or three choices were preferable to one, today we are swamped with choice. This leads to decision paralysis. Evaluating and comparing all the choices is exhausting and stressful,…
After writing about how technology will ultimately defeat globalism a couple of weeks back, here is evidence that it is happening now. I argued that technology, such as advanced robots, would see manufacturing returning to the end market. Thus US companies would manufacture in the US, not in, for example,…
Global trade has been a hot subject of discussion during the current US presidential election cycle. The basic downside argument is that Americans have lost jobs to foreigners, while the upside is greater efficiency and lower costs. This is an emotional subject and facts are subject to much distortion. A…
I have posted regularly on lithium this year. It performed really well until around late July/early August. When I last posted in July, the 60 companies on my list had a combined market cap of $3.9B. Although there are other companies that have joined the space, I will stay with…