Archives for May, 2016
Wind turbines are the least loved of the “renewable” power generators. They completely destroy the aesthetics of their locale, they are noisy and very destructive of bird life. Many accept these issues on the basis that once they are up and running, they provide free electricity. Of course there is…
When I posted on the sector last month I had identified 35 companies in the lithium space with a combined market cap of $3.1 B. This month there are 51 companies with a combined market cap of $3.3B. That is, a 45% increase in the number of players over a month, but the…
Loss aversion is thought to have developed in the early years of human evolution. An earlier time when the loss of resources, such as food, fire or life, had much more serious consequences that an incremental gain. Thus a loss is felt much more acutely than a gain. Loss aversion…
There are currently 7.4 billion people on Earth, with a typical daily net increase of 150,000. This rapid population increase was only possible through the discovery and use of large quantities of energy. In the chart below, it can be seen that the population started to take off at the…