Archives for September, 2014

Are The Bears Calling

This article is not a prediction for a bear market. It is a collation of relevant information that may help the reader with investment decisions. Plummeting Share Buyback Volume In July I discussed how the main buyers of the S & P 500 were companies within the index itself. Companies…

The Rich get Richer and the Poor, Poorer

The chart below compares Per Capita GDP growth in the US since 1994, with Median Household Income. Both tracked upward until 1999, at which point median household income plateaued. The two have diverged ever since. This chart clearly shows that the rich have got richer and the poor have got…

What’s Ahead for Coal, Iron Ore and Australia

Coal and iron ore are Australia’s two biggest exports. In 2013 iron ore exports earned $69 billion and coal $40 billion, 26% and 15%, respectively, of total exports. Unsurprisingly then, price declines in either commodity result infront page news here in the Land Down Under. Read more about iron ore…

Climate Change or is it Climate Fear – One Chart

The global warming/climate change meme has taken a beating of late. The evidence is now overwhelming that there has been no rise in global temperature for the past 15 to 20 years. Political classes are now losing interest in warmist fear, to be followed by cutbacks in funding. The Arctic ice…

What does the Future hold for Euroland?

Last week, Mario Draghi, who runs the European Central Bank (“ECB”), took action to lower the Euro exchange rate.  Interest rates will be cut to 0.05% and money held by the ECB will attract -0.2%. The ECB will also start purchases of asset-backed securities and bonds. The objective was to…