The Investment Clock: Revisited

There are numerous variations to the age old “investment clock”. Citigroup’s version below is the most relevant to our market that I can find.   There was a time when I entered the market many moons ago as a starry eyed analyst, that you could “almost” set your watch to…

Gordon Barratt: Market Watch, March 2013

Greetings Last month’s note aired my frustration about momentum and herd mentality dictating market terms, rather than cold hard facts. Hence, being able to advise, or predict, the direction of resource equities is at best difficult; at worst a mug’s game. This week I’m going to take a “devil’s advocate”…

Gordon Barratt: Market Watch, February 2013

Vexing or frustrating, it doesn’t really matter, the outcome is the same. I’m sure you all mirror my sentiments as we watch the so called soft economy stocks drive this market to 5 year highs while the resource sector, the very sector that drives our economy continues to languish. The…